David Gonzales is a professor in the Department of Geosciences at Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado where he teaches, advises, and mentors the next generation of geoscientists. He received a Ph.D. in geology at The University of Kansas after completing degrees from Fort Lewis College (BS) and Northern Arizona University (MS). David served as a research scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey Western Mineral Resources during his graduate studies, and joined the faculty at Fort Lewis College in 1997. He is also a certified professional geologist with the American Institute of Professional Geologists.
His expertise and technical interests include: 1) the genesis and evolution of magmatic and metamorphic systems; 2) metallogenesis and history of metallic ore deposits; 3) tectonics and mountain building; and 4) the origin and production of natural resources (e.g., CO2, He) related to magmatism.
David has researched the geologic history of the Four Corners region from the Proterozoic to Cenozoic with an emphasis on unraveling the geologic interplay of events over time. He has published or co-published over 175 peer-reviewed articles, technical reports, geologic maps, field trip guides, geologic pamphlets, and abstracts.